Bits for horses

A bit for a horse , in combination with reins, plays an essential role in determining the direction of travel. When placed in the animal’s mouth, it should be comfortable for the horse, and at the same time ensure its full safety. In our offer you will find bits adjusted to various anatomical features of horses, as well as different temperaments. All products are made of durable materials that guarantee many years of use.

It is worth remembering that the selection of the right bit is the basis for a successful training, and most of all for the comfort and safety of the horse. A specific model should be matched, inter alia, to the character of the animal, its age, and the rider’s individual preferences.

Customized The bit , both in terms of its structure and the material it is made of, will be willingly chewed by the horse, and thus the control over the mount will be much easier and more precise. And their order on our website takes only a moment.

What material to buy a bit?

If you are looking for a perfectly matched bit – see the details of our offer. We will be happy to help you choose a bite to ensure the comfort and safety of your pet. Just contact us via the website and Balotade specialists will recommend the best product and help you place an order.

We have various types of bits made of various materials. You can see all the sausages with your own eyes by visiting our stationary store. All models are available on site, they do not have to be made to order.

Which bit is the softest?

A horse snaffle is one of the most important parts of a bridle, allowing the animal to be in control. In order for it to perform its function properly, it should be comfortable for the horse. Some horses can hardly tolerate their bit, so it is worth choosing the most delicate models, but allowing you to maintain full control over the animal. Which bit to choose and which of the models available on the market will be the most delicate?

At the beginning it is worth mentioning that the bits are made of several links connected with each other. They are placed in the horse’s mouth, in the so-called toothless edge of the lower jaw. Kiełzno affects, among other things, the tongue and the palate, allowing you to control the animal and, above all, determine the direction of travel. In addition to the difference in the structure of the bits, the individual models also differ in size.

Types of bits on offer.

Let’s start with the basics, i.e. discuss how to differentiate bits. The types of bits you will find on the market include straight and jointed bits. The first of them are usually intended for more experienced riders, mainly due to the pressure that this type of bit exerts. Jointed bits, on the other hand, have a number of varieties – they can be single or double jointed, and are often equipped with an additional toy that encourages chewing.

The size of the bits cannot be forgotten either. These differ significantly from each other, affecting the animal’s comfort at the same time. In this case, the anatomical features of the horse play a huge role, but the general rule is that single-jointed teeth should be 1 cm wider than the muzzle, and double-jointed ones – by half a centimeter. Thanks to this, the bits will not pinch the mouth corners.

How to choose a bit for a horse?

If you are wondering how to choose the right one a kind of bit for the horse, first of all consider the sports discipline you practice as well as the temperament of your horse. These are the two main variables that determine the choice of a specific tooth. Your riding skills are also important. It is also worth observing the animal’s behavior when putting on the bridle, as the lack of acceptance of the bit may be associated with dental problems.

It is worth paying great attention when choosing a bit for a young horse. In this case, one of the best solutions that allows the animal to get used to the presence of the bit is the rubber version – simple. It is the most delicate model, which is also used for mounts with a sensitive face. However, if you are not sure about the type of bit, it is worth using the advice of specialists who will match the optimal model.

Choosing the right bit ensures not only precise control of the animal, but most of all comfort for the horse. It is worth devoting a bit more attention to this subject, especially if the horse has difficulty tolerating the bit. Then a good solution is to choose delicate models that do not cause discomfort.

Which bit will be the best for your horse?

It’s what type bits for a horse we should choose, depends on many factors, such as the temperament of the horse we train with, the discipline we practice or our own riding skills. A badly selected bit, as is a badly selected saddle ( here you will learn more about the right choice of saddle) can cause discomfort, pain or even lead to injury to your horse.

The general rule seems simple – we should use the gentlest bit in the action of the bit , which at the same time will allow us to have the greatest possible control over the mount and will help in achieving the intended training effect. But what does this mean in practice?

The sheer volume of options available today when it comes to bit and bits it allows us to choose the perfect “key” that will help us communicate with our horse.

On the other hand, such a large selection can be overwhelming if we do not know how to go about it and what to pay attention to.

Sometimes even the same horse needs more than one bits depending on the circumstances (each of us knows a horse that changes beyond recognition when emotions take over, e.g. during a course at competitions).

Before you choose a new bit.

While this seems obvious, it doesn’t hurt to remind you that if your horse shows any disturbing signs when putting on a bridle and has trouble accepting the line, the first thing you should do is see your dentist.

A real expert in his trade, after examining your horse’s mouth and teeth, should be able to provide you with a lot of useful information about the type and size of the bit, which will be the most comfortable option.

How to choose the right size of the bit.

Before choosing the type of bit, make sure you first find out what size is right for your horse.

Too small bit it will “pinch” the sensitive skin in the corners of the horse’s mouth, which may cause abrasions, a bit that is too large, and it will slide too easily, and even hit the horse’s teeth.

If you are buying another bit for a horse for the same mount (and you know for sure that the previous one was well chosen) the matter is simple. All you have to do is measure the old bit. Remember that you only measure the mouthpiece, without the rings. If, on the other hand, this is not possible, you can measure the horse’s face with a string.

Tie a knot on one side and insert the string into the horse’s mouth (like a bit) so that the knot touches the mouth on one side. Mark the point where the string comes out of the horse’s mouth on the other side with a pen or tape. Now measure from the knot to the marked area and add approx. 1 cm – this is the bit size for your horse.

What should the bit thickness be?

As for the thickness of the bit, the thinner the bit, the more your horse will feel the effect of the reins. Following this logic, thicker bits tend to act more smoothly.

It is important not to overdo it with the thickness – it must fit freely in the interdental space.

This option will work well with younger or very sensitive horses, for which the decisive action of a thin bit may be too sharp. If you’re starting out with a young horse, the thicker horse will be a good option. an olive bit that, thanks to its structure, adheres gently to the corners of the mouth and prevents chafing.

The difference between jointed bits and their action.

There are basically three basic types bits, when it comes to joining – wedges straight individually jointed and double jointed.

What role do the ring bits play?

Another thing to note are the wheels and how the bit connects to the reins. It makes its operation very addictive. Depending on the way in which we attach the bridle and the reins, a bit may have a different method and strength of action.

The material from which the bit is made.

The most popular material from which they are made horse bits, is stainless steel . This material is durable, resistant to rust and its taste is rather neutral, for mounts most of whom have no problems with accepting it.

Some bits have an additional coating of soft but durable materials such as rubber, nylon or plastic. This is fine for horses that react poorly to the cold metal in their mouths. The coating of the bit may be flavored (e.g. Apple), which is to encourage the horse to chew harder. bits and drooling. However, if your horse chews a bit very hard on its own, the coated bit can wear out or become deformed very quickly.

A very good alternative here are the recently available bits from blue steel . In contact with the horse’s saliva, the so-called sweet rust. Most mounts like this sweet taste and start chewing the bit harder. Don’t worry if your bit changes color while using it – it’s a natural effect. These horse bits are much more wear-resistant than coated bits.