Pessoa bits

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Pulleys, or pessoa bits are the perfect solution for hotter, tougher horses. Thanks to the adjustable lever, they exert considerable pressure on the mouth.

Versatility of bits with a pulley block.

Metal, on the other hand, is distinguished by its great versatility a pulley bit to which you can attach the reins in 4 different ways to its rings. As a result, the degree of leverage is easily regulated, and thus its direct operation.

Where are pulley blocks used?

Snaffle pulley It is intended, among others, for use in trail running with obstacles of a permanent nature, so ordering it may be a good idea.

What is the operation of the pulley block?

The purpose of the 3-4 rings bits (otherwise pessoa bit ) is a greater “lift” of the horse. Standard pulley bits have two or three wheels. The lower the rings to which the leader is attached, the stronger the action and the greater the elevation and rounding of the occiput.

Putting a strap that connects the upper circles under the lower jaw additionally strengthens the action pulley , which then becomes a bit like the action of a pelham .